Current weather from space

Current solar data updated every 3 Hrs from NOAA

Welcome to my Amateur Radio website. I always had an interest in radio, listening to the AM broadcast radio at night
at an early age wondering how I could hear so far away. In 1980 I was first licensed as a general class and upgraded to extra
in 1982. 10 meters has always been a fun band for cw,ssb,fm,and all the "other modes" when it is open. CW is worked on all
bands using a straight key, bencher paddles, or a bug. "Ragchew" is mostly on 75 meters and 40 meters is the overall favorite
because it has something going on day & night. My favorite nets are Southcars and The Geratol Net on HF and The Dalton Amateur
Radio Club Net on 2 meters. The Dalton Amateur Radio Club repeaters,(145.23 & 443.000),the N4BZJ repeater(147.135), the N4DMX
repeater(444.850),the CCARS repeater of 443.675 as well as two meter simplex are used for local communications..You may also
hear me on satellites, mobile with a glass mount antenna tilted at 45 degrees or on the HT. My most enjoyable contact of all
time was being the first contact with my son Keith ( KI4KKA) now N4DMX.
Member of Geratol Net, NAQCC, SKCC, SKYWARN,and SOUTHCARS
radio is a great hobby but,not the only one. Also, enjoy my family, Dodge Hemi, vintage radios, photography, computers, hiking,
backpacking, camping, gardening,biking, and walking just to name a few....HI HI
QSL here good
any way you wish including EQSL.
"73" David, WI4L